2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Olympic torch ordered

Not the best photo in the world.
It's simply a blip of my computer screen showing the image on the Firesnake website (the designers)

It's been a day of Olympic sorting out today.

Last week we were advised we could buy the torch that we carry. So today I picked up the phone and paid for it. Well, how could I not buy it?
And I get to take it away with me after I've carried it - minus the gas canister and burner aparatus (somehow think the gas and burner might be a blip!)
And it's the actual torch I keep, not a replica.

The other emails were asking me to confirm more training dates, and to book a time to collect my uniforms.
Every training day and the uniform collection means a separate trip to London. As exciting as it all is, these day trips to Llondon are mounting up. And the uniform collection day is only an hour in London!

Anyway, train tickets are booked and got reasonable prices

So, April 21st, Olympic Village for training
May 4th to 8th, Test event in tthe olympic Stadium
May 25th, collect my uniforms and accreditation.
June 23rd carry the torch.

That little lot should help me get my mental state on a happier footing
And when I wasn't online doing the above I got some sunbathing done too :)

Tonight I'm following AFC Fylde and Carlisle united on Twitter. Update after the games. Win for AFC Fylde puts them back on top of their league and a win for Carlisle consolidates their play off position.

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