
By Juli

Looking up!

I hate moaning but I seem to do it an awful lot!

I've been getting extremely stressed-out lately (even more so than usual, so that's really saying something!). Just the usual... not enough hours in the day and time flying by too fast. Not helped by the fact that I pranged the car a few days ago and so I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it to my interview on Wednesday. I sometimes wonder if I was born with a self-destruct button. Fingers crossed the car makes it - it's a long walk!

Anyway, despite being in the midst of a constant panic attack and the worst - and longest-lasting - migraine I've had in years (did I mention I keep breaking out in hives?!?) I actually had a great day at Wakehurst.

Although I really didn't feel up to it, I had to lead a group through the gardens, telling them all sorts of weird and wonderful facts about the plants and animals, and one of the school helpers asked me how long I'd taught at Wakehurst. When I said I was only a volunteer she said I should seriously think about becoming a teacher as I'd been 'brilliant'. How's that for a confidence boost - and just when I needed it! Add to that the fact(s) that my son thinks my new haircut makes me look like one of his teachers, I've got a new outfit (and shoes!), I bought a hairbrush and have had some really great pep-talks from friends so I reckon, despite still panicking and having a migraine, I'm all set.

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