Look what I grew!

2years 158days

We have had such a lovely, chilled out day. And really needed it. We had a very lazy start to the day, allbeit very early. We got up but just pottered round. She was on an eating mission for the first 2hours - cereal, toast, beans, chocolate puddings, strip cheese, an orange! She got dressed quite early but changed after spilling beans. Mummy stayed in her jammies til 10!

We went in the garden for a while, and she spent a long time chatting the ladybirds she found by the shed. She had a play on the slide before we went out on the bike to town, and she ate a sandwich (that she'd made) as we went. After stopping at the bank, she ate 4 cheese straws. We went to buy her some pretty girls socks to wear with summer dresses, and also came out with a Minnie Mouse hat. She fell asleep on the way home, and I was very grateful for our WeeRide, as it meant she could put her head down and rest. She only slept the ten minutes we were away from home.

When we got back, we went straight back into the garden. Our first activity pack had arrived from The Messy Mama - check it out, our very own JumpingBean is setting up in business. \The pack of preschool Easter crafts looks fabulous. We did one of the activities straight away. Which Katie then showed to her ladybirds. She then went through to the front and played outside on the forecourt on her balance bike. Before telling me she was "very very hungry" and having soup and chocolate orange hot cross bun. Here comes a growth spurt, I suspect.

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