Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Perfect Blue

Saturday was a bit of a fail, blip-wise, not least because it was actually predominently a yellow day - as the parade of blurred and badly-framed drifts of daffodils and sprays of forsythia I ended up with will attest. I mentioned this to Beck and she reckoned it was more of a blue/green/duck egg kind of a day as we were also failing singularly to choose a paint colour for the new bathroom! Perhaps the sky just wasn't blue enough - I took this in the back garden this morning and it was probably what I was going for all along.

Yesterday I listened to all three of the original Lloyd Cole and the Commotions albums - absolute eighties gold, not a duff track and perfect for a Sunday. On reflection these three are probably amongst the most played albums I've ever owned - it's a shame really that those old cassette tapes weren't as clever as ipod,with it's play counter thingy... Here's a fitting favourite...

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