Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

All The Fun of The Expo

A really hectic day today. I got shoved under chairs and generally jammed into tight spaces all day while the Team of A, R and D attended tutorials all day finishing up with the traditional "Midnight Madness" party show from 10.00 pm to midnight. This was run on the themes of US game shows with a Photoshop twist and was a hoot all the way with doughnuts and great prizes. Oh by the way the Team had to be outside the venue at 7.30 this morning to get a ticket as they were limited to 200 attendees so did I mention that it was a 5.00 am start? No? well it was. A lot of very good presentations today and a ton of learning. This event draws some of the top photographers in the US and there were some real treats. This is being typed at 12.33 PM and it is way past my bedtime. I got admired today by a Dog Photographer and R exchanged cards. She didn't offer to do my portrait so I do feel a little let down.
There was of course a large trade expo and several booths featured models so R had some fun there supervised by A of course.

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