
By EJIkin

do you ever get that sinking feeling?

Friday was the beginning of my long weekend holiday away with the Monday Night Football lads, and it began early in the morning, at a very misty Rutland, which thankfully cleared, almost as if God had deemed that it was now Blipping time. The mist was very atmospheric though, as the long cycle around Rutland Water began, which was made all the more difficult by my insufficient bike, which was about as tall as the midgets Darren kept mentioning (but felt he shouldn't)
This Piece of Architecture, which stood out among the darker, less grand buildings around the water, is apparently a Sunken Church, and while it does seem perfectly OK on first inspection, i expect that this is actually the second floor of it.
After making it back to a small cafe, there was a fight for survival with a gang of Ducks, and our Lunch, which to be fair they probably won. The Cafe itself was awful, with a system in operation where only one egg could be cooked at a time it seemed, with multitasking on more than one sandwich seemingly impossible. They had us queuing out the door, however for all the wrong reasons, it did provide good banter for the weekend however, so not all was lost. The Long car journey up to Yorkshire (our next destination) was filled with trivial questions about giraffes enjoying thermos flasks, and pesky tucsans chasing us down the Dual carriage ways. Handwoven/Machinewoven/ and finally Pawwoven items were also discussed at great length, and to clear up any confusion, a Tiger, killed by its own whiskers, (Tiger whiskers can penetrate a stomach if digested) could still paw weave a rug.
Settling down at the Youth Hostel, dinner consisted of deep fried wenslydale, rounds at the pub, and theft of bedding. More to follow...

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