Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

The Lakes.

Today I went with my friend Jessica, to The Lake district, we progressed to Keswick and around a few of the lakes. This is the first time, I realise, that I have been, since I met my ex girlfriend, at a youth camp at Keswick convention centre in August 2010. We used to lay in Keswick park and laugh. I cried when we arrived because this realisation hit me a little like a train. But it's all stupid, because now i'm in love, time just ran away with me I suppose. Along with my money!

It was melancholy, and at some points I couldn't speak because of too many things floating round my mind. I felt lonely, in a place where I used to feel totally at home. Silly thing is, now I'm home, I don't miss her in the slightest, and I'm sitting here hoping for a reply from my darling girlfriend Bethan, sitting with my phone, thinking about her pretty little smile

Jess and me had fun though, and I thought i'd use this photo of Windemere around 11.30am today, to show the day I spent reflecting on things, and thinking, and as I sat on a rock by the roadside, looking out onto this beautiful view, how much things have changed for me.

My 21 year old sister has come home for the evening, please, someone kill me. -.-

I want you now
I don't care how
We're both too young
to be sitting around.

I love you baby.

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