Just the Withers......

By JaneW


but for gods sake take shoes off or my Mother goes bloody mental......
Got back from Somerset at lunch time so we decided to practice putting the new tent up... took 45 minutes and it can only get better ( or so I hope) .... We have left it up for a while as Eve and Lucy are now playing in it.... the weather is far to good to waste !!! Having said that they seem to have moved loads of the contents of their bedrooms in to the tent... hope they are not expecting me or Mr W to carry it all back upstairs ....................
We just need a few odds and sods and we shall be set to go,our first booked camping is the weekend of Friday 20th April by Newquay..... we have an electric hook up so I can take my heater :D
Also my mate Chrissie and her children are going as are DDLC and her family and DDLC's parents....... it's going to look very special as to be fair there are not a great deal of brain cells amongst us.

Mr W has fired up his beloved BBQ so it's chicken and baked potatoes for tea ..................... make the most of this weather please people,this is our summer ;)

Yesterdays back blip.... frolicks on the beach....

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