Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother


A splendid and relaxing weekend, just me and Mr C&D off to a bargain hotel for a night, leaving the children Home Alone.

We set off mid morning and had a dawdle from us to St Fillans via Crieff and lunch in The Loft. A daunder around Loch Earn resulted in lots of photos, a lot look B&W as there was a light mist hanging, but the sun was trying very hard to come out and this one was one of the most colourful of the day as a result.

We booked for Gourmet Night and despite many and varied flashbacks to the Fawlty Towers version it all went very well, I was only possessed by the giggles once, as a beautifully dour waitress said "well you liked THAT then" to someone who had declaimed the Taster Menu and fussed and tutted until she was offered an alternative.

The taster menu was super, hot smoked salmon, wood pigeon, venison, smoked potato fondants and three puddings were the least of it! YUMSCRUM!

I was terribly peeved to lose the hour thanks to all this BST nonsense, but a sumptuous breakfast soon soothed me.

We even managed a walk up to The Deil's Cauldron at Comrie and I have indulged in shutterage and exposure fankling to thrill you all with the next blip.

And when we got home the children had not even burned the house down or anything!

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