Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Treasure to Trash

Someone worked hard on this table. And yet it ended up here. In an alley. With the rest of the trash.

Hour and a half of feeling like absolute hell.
Rush to the bar to 'meet with the manager'.
They were closed.
Labor day, go figure.
But I'd made sure to call the night before and confirm that they would be open today. Dude lied.
Went to get coffee.

Sitting on a bench for a while, relaxing.
Raj, an older gentleman, asked if he could join me on the bench. Told me about how he married his wife in India and that she got her degree in sociology and psychology. Told me about how the medication he has to take gives him Parkinsons-like symptoms. He is in the process of writing a book and composing an album. He invited me to visit him at his stoop down on Union sometime. Nice guy.

Alternate shots:
*futon frames
*full view of table trash

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