Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Legal Prostitution

Printed up 20 copies of my resume and passed them out to any business that would take one. I hate the job search but it's gotta be done.

*all the cool kids do it

Friday story update...

Reminder that this is a story, not drawn from my life or anyone I know. This is entirely a work of fiction. Any likeness to actual events or people is entirely coincidental and completely possible.

Where we left off last week...

Oh! Almost forgot! The party is themed. It's a "Dress like a Mess" theme. Alright. Have to go. (Fingers, toes, eyes, legs, arms crossed).

Oh, I was SO going to that party. I had to. It might be my only chance to see him again. I giggled, imagining him sitting in front of the borrowed computer with his fingers, toes, eyes, legs, and arms crossed. But what would I wear? The party was two days away and I wanted to look good! Well, not too good. I had to fit the theme.

Butterflies filled my stomach. What would I say when I saw him? Would he recognize me? Would he want to hang out after the party? Oh gosh. I was getting really nervous. I forced myself to stop thinking about it. To take a deep breath, and to let it out slowly.

I had to call someone. Tracy! She would know what to do! She always knew what to do. I picked up the phone and dialed her number from memory.

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