An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Burger Break!

Wow! Friday has come and we are all so grateful!

It has been a really strangely stressful week this week and it was decided that a lovely lunch would do the trick.

The entire office was invited but only seven of us made it, which was probably a good thing, as it made the lunch date a more intimate affair ;)

A grilled chicken burger with battered courgette fries and macaroni cheese sides at Byron was my order, and a huge gigantic Oreo milkshake topped it all off.

Steve was the only guy who attended but I think he coped pretty well with all the girl talk; who is seeing who and who should we set up with who, you know the chatter! He participated sufficiently ;)

When 2 o'clock came around we all had to be rolled out of the restaurant but it was minutes after that, that disaster almost struck ;/
6 of us piled into the lift up to the fifth floor, once the 'up' button was pressed we realised that the lift was only made for 5!!!!!!
Plus Steve is a big boy so he almost counts as two people, plus we didn't calculate for the six burgers accompanying us on the ride.
As the lift approached the fifth floor the doors didn't open and the cubicle stuttered and stammered.....'F*@KING HELL' and other similar words were yelled out but fortunately the doors slowly opened!!!!

A great date almost ended rather tragically.....but I thank the stars that we all emerged screaming and laughing!

I never needed much, and I never thought I'd get more than what I had. A trip to Burger King was the biggest thing in the world to me. Heaven.
~ Dave Grohl

Sometimes only a burger will do ;)

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