Nicktor's news

By Nicktor


Wonderful morning out with the gorgeous Mrs Nicktor and the lovely Sons number one and two today. We walked around Petworth Park on a family dog walk come photography expedition.

One of those days where I ended up with a shortlist of about 30 photos (out of 212!) which were brilliant for blipping. Bet I don't have anything tomorrow though

although I'm playing golf in the morning with my friend Kevin, so anything is possible. Actually, we call Kevin "Kevin the Kestrel" because he looks like a smaller version of Eddie the Eagle Edwards (before he had plastic surgery). You can imagine - he's got the big chin; the broken nose and well.... He's the size of a garden gnome, but if he was your garden gnome you'd chuck him in the bin for being so ugly that he would scare your cat or your dog.

Fortunately he's a lovely bloke and brilliant company!

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