boredom blip

So today i awoke to the sound of pouring rain at around half 11, threw on some trackies and a jumper, i then sat around for an hour watching jerry springer show, man i'd love to be in the audience their, the way the chan't 'JERRY JERRY JERRY' is almost tribal. Fantastic.

Then sat here for a bit, checked out how the furious ebay battle on some of my items is going down, things look good for getting around £200 payed into the bike savings account later on. :)

I'm blipping earlier then usual today as i'm off to my main man Seans tonight for no doubt another food fight that'll end up global.

Oh and, i'm not going to rant about the weather today, because for us downhillers you either love mud, or you hate it. I f**kin love it. So i can't wait to stick on the swampthings and get the 20 mph drifts on.

oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh

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