Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Crazy - Shore-07

Back on the trusty steed today which helps offset the calorie blitz of four Arran Blondes.. hey ho...

Watched some of Sport Relief again and as usual got angry. Can we not swap Miranda for 50 Kenyan street kids? will the Kenyans object loudly? We'll throw in JLS as a sweetner.

As usual I see the state of things in these places (seen a fair amount of hard core poverty on my travels) and get pissed off, especially when you see their heads of states with nice Lear Jets and anti aircraft systems sold by a country near you and all in the week where the odious Gideon gives his mates massive tax breaks. Champers all round what what?

Also pissing me off was the boys returning fucked from bullshit wars we didn't want and being left to their own devices, cared for their families or if they are lucky supported by charity. Still, always money left over to bomb the shit out of the next regime we don't care too much for.

Time for lunch and an afternoon wandering with Instography and the collective brood.

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