Come into the Garden

By aprecious


Maud: well miracles* do happen!

I'm not very good at turning water into wine yet (shame - aprecious) but I have been working very hard at my training and just the sight of those little clicker things means I'm ready for action.

I've been out for one of my walks on the Rossendale Juniors' Field already today because a few weeks ago when the Saturday league was in full swing I mistook those guys for sheep and tried to round them up (they were rubbish compared to sheep and carried on kicking a big white ball around and I was better at getting that than any of them!)

The field slopes and when you're at one goalie thing you almost can't see the other! aprecious says it must be one of the highest playing fields in the country and if you look carefully at the picture you can just make out the Pennines in the background.

Anyway off now - going to perform another miracle* or two. Think I'm going to see if I can make the sun shine ALL day!

*a miracle is sometimes known as the perceptible interruption of the laws of nature, statistically unlikely but beneficial -( I'll say - aprecious)

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