The journey continues...

By Lbell


Today we all got up at midday after having stayed up until 5am listening to music, chatting and drinking tea! So a rather lazy morning was had and we were all glad when Ivan emailed us to postpone magazine delivery until tomorrow.

Around 3 we took a minibus to El Alto, died climbing up the hundreds of steps to reach an even greater altitude and spent an hour or so walking around the junky stalls. It was surprisingly empty today which, as we later found out, was because of some Bolivian celebration day where many different people marched for the sea that Chile stole from Bolivia. Because of all this it took significantly longer to get back to the flat.

On the way back we stopped off at the witches market to have a look for rucksacks but all the stalls where charging double the ones we found in Cochabamba so we decided to leave it and head back to the apartment. We managed to get lost on the way and literally just made it back on time for tango. Although our motivation levels were not very high and we were pretty exhausted tango, as per usual, turned out to be an enjoyable night and we spent it revising all the steps we had learnt so far which was definitely necessary.

Afterwards we headed to the Irish for dinner...chicken goujons and chunky chips washed down with a bud. I could actually feel like I'm back in the UK with dinners like that!

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