Today's Special

By Connections

Stripes and Shadows

This isn't my first photo of sun stripes today; I saw these sun stripes sneaking under a fence while I was taking Miss Annie on her morning walk.

Since Annie made it clear that she expected to have a ride in the car very soon, we decided to go to Marine Park in Fairhaven with her this afternoon. The sun was as bright as the last time I was there, in early February, but there was a stiff breeze today, and it was really cold -- so cold that our ears hurt!

I was drawn to these sunlit colors on a metal-clad wall of one of the shipyard buildings adjacent to the park, but this nearby sign reminded me of another aspect of recreation at Marine Park. Sunshine or not, Bellingham Bay is cold.

(Phil did his blip yesterday after I'd already posted mine, and I absentmindedly forgot to go back later and add a link -- if you'd like to see another view of Sammy the Salmon's vest struggles, click here.) And here, if you'd like to see what he photographed at Marine Park today.

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