eye of the camera

By telefoto

Chim Chim Cheree;

I knew what my blip was going to be today before i had even got out of bed....

today was my little boys class assembly at school, they have been learning about Victorians.

they are coming to the end of this subject now so this is what there assembly was about they read a lovely poem, sang a chimney sweep song from mary poppins and explained how the women used to do the washing with mangles ! thank goodness those days are over!

my boy didn't have a lot to say 1 sentence to be exact but he said them well and clear...and he was singing all the songs and recited the poem so not alls bad. I think the yr 2 class were excellent and I feel there will be some actors coming from this year (lol)

i do a work placement in this school and the teachers put a huge amount of effort in to the children & every thing they do & the school is coming on leaps & bounds not so long ago they received an outstanding of stead report which we are all very proud of!! even so the school are coming up with ways to improve the school for the children even more .

my boy loves going to school and i make every effort to go and support him in every thing he does there and wouldn't miss a school play or assembly for the world..

I'm proud with how hard he works and I'm always told how well behaved & polite he is in school ..what more could you ask for...( well apart from him being the same at home ) . its nice to know that they are polite and take on board some of the things you teach them .... manners cost nothing and I'm proud that my son gets noticed for them ..well done Callum keep up the fab work !!!

Inside the chimney,high I climb
it's dark inside the sooty stack.
I loose all sense of passing time .
Inside the chimney,
high I climb.

Inside the chimney,high i climb.
Far,far above.....a patch of blue
where one white cloud drifts into view.
I stop and rest, but that's a crime.
Inside the chimney,
high i climb.

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