Archaeologist at work

They've been doing roadworks in St. A for what feels like forever now but it wasn't until the last few days when they were digging up the road at greyfriers gardens they came across something a little unexpected! Skeletons believed to be from the 15th century - but yet to be confirmed. Passed by today not expecting to see anything interesting but was lucky enough to see them excavating what looked like a child's skeleton, and I could clearly make out the rib cage vertebrae and pelvis. Fascinating stuff! Unfortunately I didn't have a camera with a very good zoom on me but if you can make out the blur to the left of the archaeologist then that's the little body. What surprised me most was that there were two pipes about 30cm either side of it - amazed that it hadn't been found before!

*If you click for larger version you can see it a bit more clearly!

and this is an article from yesterday about it!

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