"Felt rather blue..."
The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.
Carl Sandburg
The Nora Diary, Day 10
Pleasant. Snow melting,
sun lovely and warm.
took our normal walk at noontime. Stayed home in
the evening. Felt rather blue. To bed about nine
thirty. Second day of Spring.
Pleasant. Fell down on
my way to work. went
home at noon and got my pictures. Sights
Got a letter from Gordon
Very warm at noon.
Walked down the street with
Georgie on an errand.
Took a walk after supper
and Miss Noyes and I
went to the Waldorf.
Very good show. Picture
"The Valley of Tomorrow" .
Nora was working at the Waltham Watch Company, constantly waiting to be with Gordon, and he, her. He was now First Officer on the coal- hauler, S.S. Corsica, running between Norfolk Virginia and the port of Boston. His schedule was unpredictable, depending on seas conditions and coal supplies. He often planned on meeting her, but his vessel was delayed. I imagine she did feel rather blue many times.
Nora hated to be alone, that was a trait the probably started early with the loss of her mother when she was two. It continued the rest of her long life, but we were always with her.
For the Record,
This day came in warm, damp, cloudy and unpleasantly humid. Painting today, the studio light will be poor. Still working on the canvas with Gordon's parents.
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