Alive and clicking

By Daviator

Birnam Wood

No moon this week and clear skies last night so the stars are at their very brightest and the light pollution isn't too bad round my way.

I wandered off into Birnam Wood to do some test shots for a timelapse film I want to make. It was literally so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face without my head-torch. The first time I caught the reflection of animal eyes I nearly had a wee accident in my pants, but the thought of running away from a stoat or pheasant was too much for my ego to bear so I soldiered on.

The large orange star bottom leftish is Aldebaran, for those interested in that stuff; a giant red star 65 light years away. Not to be confused with Alderaan, home to Princess Leia, blown up by Darth Vader just for kicks

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