Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander


Today has been mostly about unpacking. While unpacking, I found this receipt for some cards that I'd bought right at the beginning of our holiday. I hadn't taken a proper look at it first time around. Proper chuckled when the Husband pointed our the content.

We've come to earth with a bit of a bump. Our friend who was house/cat sitting for us had a car accident the night before we arrived. She and the driver of the other vehicle both ended up being taken to hospital, but she was discharged a few hours later.

I spoke to her this morning and she sounds very shaken up, and tearful. She was quite worried about our reaction, as it was our car she was in. My main concern is her. She's a long way from home, and she was doing us a huge favour. It sounds like the weather was being particularly filthy, and that she just hit a patch of the road on the corner that didn't hold onto the car, so she ended up in a massive spin into a van.

Have been speaking with our insurance today, and need to see my friend tomorrow to get her to fill in her bit of the claim form. Fingers crossed it all goes through without any hassle.

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