White On The Forest Floor
I took a short walk around Madera Canyon and I came upon a little area of leftover snow!
I bent down and touched it. It was really snow. I saw all the little ice crystals from the beginning of the melt. I wasn't imagining it.
icy detail up close
Sure, I've seen the snow on the mountains from afar during the five years I've lived in Arizona and I've really admired it's beauty.
I've seen it on television. Parts of the city, the northern 'burbs and the foothills seem to get it. But it's never made it to the ground in Green Valley.
So this little patch - which looked like a path of snow footprints to me - really made me smile.
It won't last long, either. The temperature today is in the low 80's, so it's probably already gone. But it sure was a nice way to begin the glorious day we've been given.
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