Stem Research

Which glass to fill with red wine?

A long day, an Enrichment Day.

This is when we collapse the normal timetable and do alternative 'enriching' activities.

Unfortunately for me, that meant taking a group of yr 11's (16 yr olds) for 4 hours of maths (eeek), in that quest for the Holy Grail of a GCSE grade C or better.

To their immeasurable credit they showed hitherto unseen levels of resilience and can now all expand, simplify and factorise and have stem leaf diagrams and probability trees coming out of all sorts of orifices (orifici?) [orificesses?]

I took a team of Yr 7 basketballers to a tournament this evening. We came third out of five teams which does not sound to bad. However this was a joint third with 2 other teams, so we also came last!

On balance I think I will stick to third place!

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