The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Lovechild: Age 7

The other day, I received an email with a photo of my sister and her granddaughter, who will be 6 in June. In the photo, my great-niece's bangs (fringe) were rather short and uneven, which made me smile.

I had to wonder if she had tried to cut them herself?? After all, I had done that once or twice as a child as well. (OK - I still cut my own bangs in between haircuts, for better or worse.)

I ran across this photo of me, age 7, wearing my favorite pink dress and black tights and shoes. I wore tights all of the time when I had a dress on, right up until I decided to shave my legs at age 9. Having 3 older sisters made me self-conscious of having hairy legs, so tights were an integral part of my wardrobe for several years.

The building behind me is the barn/garage of a neighbor, which was a playground of wonder for me and the two children who lived in the home. It was pink, and full of all sorts of junk. I adored going over there to play, and was fascinated that their father was the local "News 12" anchorman.

Our yard was fenced in because I had a habit of wandering as a baby, and once, I was attacked by a German Shepherd and barely escaped with my life.

Life as a Lovechild has been an adventure, and I'm happy to have you aboard while I discover the magic of my existential wonderment called life.

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