Will Brazil's Anchor Hold?
The renowned Brazilian journalist, Carlos Heitor Cony, writing in Sunday's edition of 'Folha de Sao Paulo' recounted a dear friend and colleague saying in the 1980s, 'We've lost our moral anchor, not because of the dictatorship or the possible crisis, but because the humanistic values of our human society despite our philosophies, political systems, religions, economy, arts and technology, are buried by a drive for success and riches.' Cony went on to compare the position then with that of today saying, 'Success and money, along with rampant opportunism, has generated, amongst other wrongs, the corruption that is so endemic in our institutions. At the same time as many are proud of our material development, rates of growth, and our presence on the international scene, the majority of us are shamed by what we see everyday in public life, where the culprits are increasingly bold and the righteous, increasingly rare.'*
So will Brazil's anchor hold or has it slipped already? There are some signs it is, at least, maintaining or regaining a grip. President Dilma has sacked at least seven government ministers for corruption in the last year; a judge this week prohibited 17 oil executives of Chevron and Transocean (12 foreigners and 5 Brazilians) from leaving the country and possibly frustrating the ends of justice as the latest oil spill is investigated; the 'politics' section of 'Folha' is authentically called 'Power', refreshingly calling a spade a spade; and the emerging middle classes now with some spare cash to spend are prioritizing their children's education (English classes) over technological fancies (iPhones, the most expensive in the world).
But when I talk to friends and colleagues, a sense of that shame comes through with many feeling guilt and powerlessness in the face of the homeless on the streets, often prey to vigilante shootings. Some are planning to up anchor altogether and set sail for foreign climes. I ask them, 'What could you put in place that would change all this?' and they shrug, helplessly. It is clear their humanistic values are there, just missing their own, genuine voice. Examples exist elsewhere that show what can emerge when such values are given voice. Perhaps Brazil is needing its best and bravest to bring them home.
I wrote this opinion piece at the promptings of KendalisHere in support of the work of her subject, shown through this link. KiH does have a certain authentic power about her, don't you think!
*This is my paraphrasing and translation of extracts from Cony's full article, 'The Missing Anchor', which appeared in the edition of Folha de Sao Paulo published on Sunday, 18th March 2012.
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