Magnolia campbellii

I had another free day today, this time it meant free of commitments (apart from a hair appointment, which is still 'me' time) as Mr Flum's off with B and Miss Flum's in London for a couple of days.

Woopee! But what to do with myself?

The hairdresser is close to the Botanics so after being made respectable I took myself off for a brisk walk (and a coffee). It is looking so much better now the damage has been cleared away, although the scars from broken branches are very obvious. The blossom is coming out with wonderful displays, especially from this huge Magnolia, full title Magnolia campbellii 'Charles Faffill' (M. campbellii x campbellii subsp. Mollicomata), whose pink flowers shone against the blue sky. (Nicer still in large)

After a cursory glance at the devastation being caused by the flood prevention scheme on the Water of Leith (so much concrete, so little vegetation) and a detailed wander round the charity shops in Stockbridge (restricted myself to two books) bussed home for a very late lunch of dressed crab - the family don't like that. Then sorted some paperwork and read the paper.

Having the computer all to myself is a treat so I've eBayed, blipped and browsed, so now it's time to sign off and get my tea of liver, bacon and onions - the family don't like that either. Then, as Mr Flum won't be back until late, I should be able to watch The Apprentice without being scorned.

So the day has passed most enjoyably. What a shame I didn't do anything useful. Oh well, there's tomorrow...

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