Pump - Number Three
I had to do another rescue job this morning, Dougal brought home another lizard, this one had its tail intact so clearly it was a different one. He was happy to let it go and came inside for some Dreamies. Although it was a different lizard, I have spared you from looking at another reptile so soon after the first one.
I met a colleague who I worked with for twenty years for a pub lunch today and we had a good natter and catch-up. I was going to blip the pub, but outside the pub was a pump and as I have blipped pumps before I thought this one added to the collection. Other than that I have not done a lot except sort out finances and general day-to-day stuff.
This afternoon I am not required to supervise my grandchildren when they come home from school as they will be with their mother, picking up two Italian exchange children from the airport. I think I have to go and meet them later in the evening so that they are not confronted with this strange women who they have not met when they come home for school with O and V. Well as some of you I know, I will still be strange, but they will at least know who I am.
I got very excited again today as my blue flower from yesterday hit the spotlight. I know some people get in every day, but for me to get three spotlight hits in a row is quite something. Thanks everyone, but I think I need to get out more!
Pump Number One Sunday 21 August 2011
Pump Number Two Tuesday 29 Novemeber 2011
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