Sine wis Here!

In my mind I say Sheena as I might think the Irish pronounce it, but she's such a prolific writer on surfaces multifarious, that I'm beginning to wonder if she is a non person and is in fact the name of an Edinburgh street gang.

This telephone box you might think belonged in a less than salubrious part of Edinburgh and not, as is the case, in a street in the rarified University atmosphere near George Square.
It boasts no door, and I would be surprised if the telephone works, although it is not actually dangling by its cord. Sine has taken care to replace the receiver.

I made a foray this morning in blissful sunshine and warmth to buy an Atlas Daisy for a tub which at the moment houses an Aster, seemingly dead.

The trouble with plants in tubs is that they do need a lot of tlc in the way of water, as they dry out very quickly, and I'm obviously not attentive enough.
But for the moment the new daisy looks a very sprightly white in its dark green container.

Having searched every nook and cranny for my lost A2 sketch book and not found any trace of it, I am giving up.
At least when you loose names of people and words, you can Google them and find what you need in the twinkling of an eye, but alas there's no site for lost personal goods and St Anthony has been useless on this occasion.

The weather is too nice outside not to take advantage of it, the sketch book may or may not turn up; for the moment, I care not.

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