Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Moar Higher

So, wife-of-tsuken got more cool shoes today. Miss 6 thought they were cool as well, and went tromping down the hall in them - at least, as well as she could ;-)

Click to enstilletenate.

I think these are my favourite of today's lot though. ;-)

In other news, my iPhone 4S arrived today. I had blip plans, but they were foiled by the fact I can't get it set up and working until I get a teensy-tiny micro-SIM thing; the one from my 3GS won't fit (I knew that, but totally forgot until I opened up the SIM tray). :-/ Maybe tomorrow - I'm at Lithgow, and there's a Telstra shop there (unbelievably, it's one of the two closest to us; there is not a single Telstra shop between Pemriff and Lithgow) O_o

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