Water Can

2years 152days - 29months

Today's blip is Katie using that well-known remedy for scrubbed knees: The Watering Can.

She spent the evening asleep on the sofa downstairs last night. She came to me about 7.30, drenched through her jammies with a fever just shy of 40 degrees. Paracetamol and stripping down brought it down very quickly and she's fine in herself so I dont know if she'd just go over hot and not coped. But she slept downstairs with me until I went to bed. She's woken up fine this morning, full of it really.

She started her day having a little tea party - complete with (decaff) tea and pink wafer biscuits, with her friends of course. Cat, Monkey, Mickey and Sheep all joined the fun. She's had a very splashy time in the bath, after a run and chase game to get her there. She seems to be in a messy play mood, as she's then done water painting and also about half an hour of chalking on the paving outside

Maike from nursery is taking her to and from nursery today. She was a wee bit unimpressed when Maike arrived, but I called the nursery and they said she'd run up the path happy and was her usual bubbly self. Quicker to settle than when I drop her off in fact. They do like their Mummy Guilt Trips, these toddlers, dont they.

Katie at 29 months
*sings all the words to Quack, Quack, Cockadoodle & Rockabye your bear
*has learnt the second verses to Baabaa black sheep and Twinkle Twinkle
*counts to 20
*is learning shapes - circles, stars, square and triangle at the moment
*can butter and shape her own starshaped sandwiches
*wipes her own bottom for both now

*Cleaning and folding laundry
*water painting - because she can get away with painting on normally unallowed things
*tea parties with her soft friends
*weetaflakes, pink wafer biscuits
*Tescos midget gems

*milk on her cereal
*Maynards or Asda midget gems

*Bike rides
*Hamster sitting
*scrubbed knees
*let the big girls at ballet help her without Mummy
*Car tow - the whole experience confused her

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