Versa Vice

By VersaVice

Everything is insane.

(I know, I know.. this photo is severely lacking.. ahhhh, no time)

Hello Blip! I'm (hopefully?) back!
I have not had time to do much with my camera at all lately and it's driving me crazy.
I'm pretty sure this has been the hardest semester of my high-school career so far - I feel like I have had no free time whatsoever. Last one ever though, so I'd better make it a good one!

My life has been extremely hectic and busy with TONS going on lately.
I can't even begin to keep things straight. Ahh let's just say I've been pretty stressed.

My days have basically consisted of:
Homework (I HATE chemistry)
Church stuff
Friends (whenever I possibly can squeeze them in!)

All that and more from the moment I wake up till when I fall asleep.

I would definitely say spending time with friends (along with soccer!) is like an oasis in a desert of homework and school. =/

The good news? I'm surviving (barely.. counting down the days until graduation).

More happier notes:

- I'm on a soccer team this spring (and NOT a guys' team again, thank goodness) even though I was almost positive I wouldn't be able to play at all! (complicated story, ha)
- I love the weather right now. Michigan is so wacked up that we've been getting weather in the 70s and 80s in MARCH. I absolutely love it though and have even been going to the beach!
- I dyed blue streaks under my hair with kool-aid the other day. Too bad I have blonde hair and forgot that blonde + blue = green? (haha, it's not as bad as it sounds ;))
- The night sky is absolutely magnificently incredible. (This quickie photo does NOT do it justice.) You can even see Venus and Jupiter out there this week! I just came inside from lying on my driveway just staring at the sky.

Today was a doozy, I am completely mentally, physically (80+ degree soccer practices, anyone?), and emotionally drained right now. This is probably why I keep rambling on?

When I find another time to breathe, I'll try to fill in some of the cracks here with photos I actually took over the past couple weeks. ha.

I need to go to sleep, homework will have to wait.

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