Just skiddling...

in the water Mum! Of all the toys wee Johnny has in his room and he stood here this afternoon for ages this afternoon filling the neurofen syringe up with dish water and then squirting it out again. Amazing!! I did take a lovely shot of Snuffles but preferred this shot.

Megan much better today and back to school. Jessica is still feeling it a little I think as her nose hasn't stop running!!

Busy day today with work and then collecting the girls from nursery. Johnny went to HipHop after school and fter he had done all the homework etc that he needed to do he got a shot of the famous "Wii"!!

Taking the 2 wee ones to the play area tomorrow to meet Norma, Sophie and Ryan after nursery. They will be knackered tomorrow night.

It's supposed to be nice weather again so fingers crossed.


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