My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Denmark Hill

Experienced an NHS administration cock-up today.

My two MONTH post-op appointment happened today... only two WEEKS after my operation. Couldn't get hold of anyone useful on the phone to sort out the mix up as my appointment should have been in May, not March.

So off we struggled on the train to King's College Hospital. We figured it was better to go than not to. Dad came with me. It was pretty much the first time I've been outside for two weeks. Despite now being in lots of pain now through my back and shoulder and being absolutely exhausted, I feel quite a sense of achievement for actually getting there and back without collapsing.

So, my consultant (the wonderfully calm and confidence-inspiring Mr Gullan) is very happy with my progress. We had quite a chat, examination and a catch up. He also got a fresh-faced medical student to do a neurological assessment on me - I think she was pretty new to this specialism as I had to give her lots of hints of what to check!

Obviously still a very long way to go on my journey of recovery but I've made a good start. Phew!

Off for a rest now!

PS: Photo is of some of the building works at Denmark Hill station, close to the hospital.

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