Find it outside

2years 150days

This morning is the first day we used our bike for a proper journey. I was all set to take a shot of Katie in her cute new helmet (orange with flames, she chose it herself) sat in her cute bike seat, which she loves. Until I went to the computer to get the memory card and discovered it to be not there. I went to get the spares - from my misguidedly assumed toddler-safe place. None of them were there. I went to the toddler. She took me to the computer and informed me she'd put them in. I fished around in the floppy drive. I pulled out a 10p, a button, an old CF card. But no SD cards. She said she put them in the DVD drawer. I fished around and found nothing. So its surgery for the PC time. Thankfully, I remembered midway through the day that the old camera takes CF cards so I didnt immediately rush out and buy an SD card.

The cycle to nursery went well, although it was much harder work with a toddler than I'd remembered from my nannying days. Plus with the centre mounted seat, the cycling position is using slightly different muscles! Added to the fact that the way there is a gradual incline almost the whole way, which of course made the journey home a pleasure. But she did really well and was a happy girl. In fact, she was sad to see that I had the car (my friend had during the day said not to return it today) when I came to pick her up.

Today's title is what Katie said when she saw the photo. Her outfit is self assembled. We're back to her wellyloving again. This current pair being Buzz Lightyear, with a Winnie the Pooh hoody that I'd put in the pile to pass on. Seems to fit her again now though!

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