my corner of the world

By Vic

Morning beach blip

Grumpy git, that's me tonight!

Another non-stop day. It never seems to end. I even did a shop in my lunch hour and rushed home to put it away. Managed to screech in before the bell, ready for greeting the class (with indigestion)! I was on assembly duty. I sit there with a book to put in names of those who misbehave and to be honest the only name in there at the end was mine. Why do some heads have A-Level boring in assembly skills! Better now say anything else for fear of being sacked!

Now it's the washing, bin emptying, tea making, piano drop off and marking jobs to do. I just want to sit quietly in a corner to be honest! Anyone comes near and I growl!

Got this very quick blip on the way to work. I envied those people having a gentle relaxing stroll on the beach as I rushed from childminders to work (via dropping off some stuff at a friend's house on the way). Here endeth my moan!

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