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No Funny Stuff

So I thought I'd have some fun with the topic - 'Words'

It was such a great topic as I had so many ideas and it really got my creative juices flowing. It started with the 'mightier than the sword' phrase, then I moved onto the building blocks of words, the Alphabet. This was inevitable as my son is in the early stages of reading and phonics at the moment. Then I thought of words in various print form: books; magazines; newspapers etc. And finally the sad thought of how our libraries are closing down and the inevitable move, after 244 years, of the Encyclopaedia Britannica from print to digital.

Eventually, I had to give in to my dark, wicked and humorous side and go with the picture you see before you. Yes, I decided to use a quote from a modern cult movie - The Big Lebowski.

For those of you who know and love the film, these words will probably resonate with you, as Lebowski finds himself reading the ransom note and the last three words read 'no funny stuff'. Later in the film the nihilists who wrote the ransom note are adamant that there be 'no funny stuff' in the handover of the money - their use of these words makes me laugh whenever I think of them.

In deciding to quote this phrase I thought a mock note would be fitting, plus I had a lot of fun making it (is that weird?). For the actual picture, I just held the note in one hand whilst taking a picture with the other - the randomness adds to the overall picture I think.

Hope you like it, and let me know your favourite movie quotes also!

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