Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My bush is covered .....

in ladybirds !!! covered I say !!! they are all over my foliage and all over my ivy ...... everywhere you look there is a ladybird,it's like a convention I tell you !!!!
I have gone a little bit high pitched and squeaky.... sonar... dolphins can hear me I expect.

Today the sun shines and it takes the edge of it being Monday,so hard to get up on a Monday but I did,and I did my work out and then whilst showering inside my shower (for outside of it would be pretty bloody stupid) I cleaned it ... I feel crazy and 'out there' cleaning the shower naked... I really do need to get out more'................

Popped up to the shops to buy my nephew Adam some presents,as tomorrow I am orf to south London tomorrow to visit him and my new nephew Ben.... I am not buying Ben anything yet,he has LOADS of clothes.. so in an agreement with my brother and SIL I am buying something later in the year,something they may actually need.OR some larger clothes.... so I shall spoil Adam tomorrow instead.

Just waiting for DDLC and Moonchops... we have to have a coffee and a sit down xxx

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