
By strawhouse

New Shoes

Miss L has been wearing hand-me-down shoes along with hand-me-down everything else and I felt awful the other day when I got her feet measured in Clarks and discovered she was wearing boots that were a couple of sizes too big! So I treated her to these. And they are ridiculously cute!!
We had a school birthday party today - the first one in ages and it was really nice. In our usual shoddy style we hadn't got round to buying the little boy a present so we thought we'd go into M&S near the gym where the party was to pick something up. Needless to say, we were late so ended up running round M&S at top speed, grabbing a couple of dinasours and some bubbles, sprinting back to the car and wrapping them up on the tailgate (I'd been organised and brought wrapping paper and scissors!!) while Mr K wrote the card. All finished with seconds to spare!!!!
When oh when will I learn?!!!!!
Miss E and Miss L were exhausted after 2 hours of running around, doing gymnastics and dancing and fell asleep in the car on the way home. It's so nice to just strip them off and plonk them straight into bed and enjoy a nice long, quiet evening!!

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