New day - new beginnings

By gudnypalina


I'm a bit frustrated at the moment, as I managed to erase yesterday's pictures from my memory card, before I had transfered them to my pc. So, yesterday is the first gap in my blip, and I find it extra disappointing, because I actually took a photograph. It would have been different if I had consciously made a choice, not to take one. Well, I just have to live with it ;-) The fact that it was a kind of "emergency blip photo" makes it a little easier. It would have been worse if I thought I had lost some beautiful landscape photos.

Today's picture is taken down by the seaside. Those doors belong to a little shed, but I don't know what is kept in the shed.

I also took another photo, and could not choose which one should become my blip of the day. Maybe that one is prettier... you can judge by your self at my blipfolio.

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