Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


It's been really glorious weather today for Mother's Day! I walked to Lewis' football game when my mum sent me a text saying I should come and photograph and caught the second half where they won 5-0. It was quite a good game too.

I was going to make everyone some pancakes for lunch but we had some meat left from last night so had sausages/bacon/black pudding (only sausages for me!) for lunch instead. I went up to the yard with mum for the afternoon which was quite enjoyable.

Inca has had a few hours of playing with everyone, especially Holly. There is only 2 weeks apart between them and they are like best buds. Inca is the only dog that Holly doesn't 'bully' as much and actually plays with!

We're going out for a meal tonight for a Mother's Day treat but mum's paying!

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