Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Look what the Cat brought in!

I was wondering what to blip today for my 300 blip when there was a meow outside the back door and look what the cat brought in; a common lizard.

I managed to take five pictures before it scuttled off into the garden; only this picture was close to being sharp and I had to move a doormat before I could get it all in.

I think it is a Mothering Sunday present from Dougal, but as Florence was there too it could have been from her. Both cats were hustled into the house, with the promise of some 'Dreamies' to allow it to get away properly, although I suspect they are likely to catch it again another day. Strangely enough unlike the mice they catch they generally do not kill these; perhaps they taste nasty.

This is blip 300, many thanks to everyone who visits my journal, whether regularly or just now and again, also many thanks to Blip Central for maintaining the site, as well as Painting with Light for introducing me to it.

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