Plus ça change...

By SooB

Stairways to heaven

This is a little snippet of what we've been up to in Fife these last many months. Here are the two stairways that go up to the first floor of the building we're renovating. Until a few days ago this hallway (with a stairway at each end) was full of plumbing and electrical junk, a set of scaffolding and more dust and spiders than you could shake a stick at.

So, it feels like a huge leap forward to have both ends cleared, swept and (mostly) painted. The stairway without the dustsheets is enormously tall, and I'm very glad I missed painting the ceiling (on a v. tall ladder with brushes on a very long pole). The house should hopefully be finished in a few weeks and will look amazing (thanks to Mr B's determination and hard work). Can't say anything more about it as I wouldn't want to fall foul of the advertising rules here....

Well, that was my day - hope you all had more restful Sundays!

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