Scrawny Old Man

By richtoller

Nicole in Perth

My bike Nicole on Queen's Bridge in Perth, looking downstream to the railway bridge and two people approaching in little boat things - sculls I think they'd be called, but definitely not skulls.
Nicole and I had a great day out in Mrs RT's absence: Dundee-Errol-Perth along the north side of the Tay. Against the wind but we enjoyed it anyway.
Approaching Errol a little red car annoyed us by beeping when it was right behind (on a straight and wide enough road) then passing without pulling out at all. Just after that another cyclist caught me up and asked 'Did you get his number? He threw a bottle at me.' We rode together for a bit then he disappeared into the distance.
From Perth it was Bridge of Earn-Abernethy where I ate my roll sitting on the war memorial steps looking at (and photographing) the round tower. Some kids asked me 'Are you a racer?'
'No I just enjoy cycling.'
'And taking photos.
'Yes those are two of the things I like best.'
'Do you live in Abernethy?'
'No I live in Dundee.'
'That's a long way. I didn't know you could cycle that far.'
'You can if you practise.'
Then Newburgh (lunch part 2, scone and jam and cup of tea in a cafe), and the next few miles seemed to be all uphill and quite hard going - but rewarded with some good downhills before Wormit-Newport-Tay Road Bridge and up through Dundee, home in 59.6 miles.
But then we went to Morrisons to buy pizza and that made it 62.

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