One click at a time

By KeithKnight

March Challenge - Social - My Social Whirl

I nearly opted out of today's challenge, as I was going to be in few 'social' situations where I could do a blip today. But, what is the point of following a challenge if you are going to opt out when it is challenging! So, thinking cap on, and this is what I came up with.

Social, freshly printed today so that all elements were created today, taken with camera mounted on tripod above the piece of paper, using a lens with a collar mount so that I could turn the camera/lens during the exposure.

I could have just taken a straight pic and then used Photoshop to do the whirl, but where's the challenge in that? This was all done in camera apart from some levels to bring the word out more and a crop.

Now back to my usual Saturday round of shopping, washing, cooking etc.

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