Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

That mount again!!

3rd Saturday St michael's mount blip in a row, must stop being so predictable!!
I really didn't expect to be blipping today, or to find myself on the beach at 9 o'clcok this morning, but as I had to be up anyway to take Bella to gymnastics it seemed silly not too! So there I was merrily taking some snaps of the causeway leading up to the mount when along came Mr massive lens and his good lady. 'Morning' chirped I, nothing chirped they as they proceeded past me, plonked themselves right in my line of view and set up their tripod. Luckily they caught me in an unusually placid mood and I couldn't be bothered to lecture people significantly older than myself about manners so I went off for a mooch around until they had finished. Half an hour later and they were still there so I thought if you can't beat them (and after half an hour I was sorely tempted to beat them with a piece of seaweed), include them in the shot. As it happened their presence made the photo slightly more interesting than the ones I had taken before they came along, so thank you Mr and Mrs no manners, it all worked out well in the end :)
So that was then. I'm now starting to feel a bit wobbly, just waiting on the nurse to come and attack me with needles then I think I'll be hitting the hay for a couple of hours. Bella is with a friend until this evening so I can have a guilt free day of rest.
Happy weekend blippers :)

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