Red Flash

By RedFlash


.... Holborn Viaduct

They have been working on the viaduct for at least a year ie all the time that I have been walking this way.

There are some great dragons on the viaduct but I can't get to them at the moment because of the building work.

The viaduct crosses over Farringdon Street.

It is high up because Farringdon Street is at the level of the Fleet River, now underground and the viaduct was built between 1863 and 1869 so that people didn't have to deviate their journey by dropping down to the river and back up the steep slope the other side.

It was the first flyover in central London

There are many such bridges in Edinburgh (where I used to work). The different levels such as these make map reading a challange.

I pride myself on being observant but it wasn't until yesterday's blip that I notice that the yellow lines in that part of London are red. Having walked the same way this morning, all the roads have red lines.

The explanation as per Wikipedia

Red routes are major roads in urban areas of the United Kingdom, on which vehicles are not permitted to stop. This includes stopping for loading or unloading, and boarding or alighting from a vehicle (except for licensed taxis and the holders of blue badges).[1] Red routes are mainly used on major bus and commuting routes.

Red routes are marked with red lines at the sides of the road. Double red lines mean that the regulations apply at all times and on all days. Single red lines means that the prohibition applies during times displayed on nearby signs or at the entry to the zone.[1] Red route clearways are signed but there are no lines on the road. Stopping is only permitted in lay-bys (red lines are only marked at junctions).

In London, red routes are policed by "Red Route Patrols" and managed by London Streets, an arm of Transport for London. Similar schemes operate in Birmingham and Edinburgh, the latter being known as "Greenways"

Have a good weekend everyone - I need to sleep

PS Can't go to bed yet though as there is a loaf cooking in the bread machine.

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