A Dog's Dinner

By G

Specky Boys

In a pathetic effort to retain the last elements of 'cool' in my life and to get a wee bit of reflected elegant dignity from Martin Scorsese a few months ago I got myself a pair of retro specs.

Moving forward I have recently developed real pain in the top of my ear but being the stoic I am, I decided that it would go away of it's own accord. When I say 'pain' I mean sore like a toothache but as the weeks went by the pain increased to much I couldn't concentrate on anything.

Anyway, BB said that the top of my ear had started to show signs of necrosis and as she was a top notch nurse and knows everything about medical things, I believed her.

She decided that I had to go to the doctors as soon as possible as the consequences could be grave and could even lead to amputation! How would I keep my hat on if that happened?

Before we went down that route I decided that in a last effort to relieve the pain I would pop back to the optician to seek some advice. I had only been in the office for a few minutes when the assistant whisked off my specs went into the back room and returned after having adjusted the legs.

Instant relief!

I must confess to feeling a bit daft but he sorted the problem quicker than you could say Eric Morcambe.

Meanwhile BB is still trying to back track from her diagnosis.

Necrosis my arse!

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