
By GingerNan

camouflage at its best....

I was at my daughter's home this morning doing a 'tour' of garden. She said come and look at her raspberry patch was this beauty. She said during summer she counted up to 18 on the bushes.

Often seen in New Zealand is the common tea-tree stick insect (Clitarchus hookeri). Their distribution is limited to where there are m?nuka and k?nuka, or tea trees, as they feed on the foliage, but they may also be found on plum trees and rose and raspberry bushes. Tea-tree stick insects are either bright green or pale brown.....

Interesting thing was I had a camera with me- but only my long having to stand about 3 m from said insect, I am surprised I got a reasonable shot- not fully sharp, but anyway..... We also found praying mantis and katydids both in her roses...

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